Sunday, January 13, 2008

Yes, It's That Tough

I read the most unbelievable thing today. I still lurk over at the horrible message board just to see how a few choice girls are doing. Well, come to find out there were two BFPs today (Congrats to both girls btw!!!) and of course, our favourite designated bitch had to put in her two cents. First, she goes on the say 'See, you don't even EVER get to say you had "infertility" like the rest of us! Got pregnant in under a year, which is the normal time frame for getting pregnant'. Ok, does anyone else sense the utter bitchiness of this comment? See, if she had maybe said you don't ever have to say you had infertility it wouldn't be so offensive, but, of course she said get. Um. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that there was some exclusive infertility club that was just so great to be a part of. Am I more special than "normal" women cuz I'm infertile? Many women worry that they may indeed be infertile but they certainly aren't standing in line waiting to be infertile.

Then of course the woman who no doubt is floating on cloud nine after waiting 10 long months for her BFP and having a luteal phase problem in which she had to take a progesterone supplement, said her thanks and went on to say she was starting to worry with the one year mark gettin closer. (Might I add she has every right to especially with a progesterone problem). Well DB makes a comment about how the one year mark 'isn't that tough'. Uh, excuse me? Maybe it doesn't seem that tough to you now, but believe me, I just hit it and YES IT IS THAT TOUGH. But I keep forgetting, she's an expert and I guess since she has hit it twice already (she is TTC after having children) she knows all.

Now, I know, seeing anyone else get a BFP stings a bit for any TTCer, but we gotta take it in stride and I have to admit, I get excited for these women. Yes, it isn't me who gets that BFP, but I can't be jealous cuz someone else gets a baby sooner than me. Even if they have been trying for a shorter period of time. I am not the judge of who deserves to get their BFP and when. I also don't really consider these girls any luckier than I. They are just different from me and their bodies don't have the issues that I do. End of story. Furthermore, I cannot spend my TTC time being jealous of someone I don't even know and is trying just as hard as I am. Even if they aren't trying as hard as I am, the fact still stands that they are trying.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn

I could not agree with you more. She is the Queen Bitch, that is for sure! She is just so unahappy, frustrated with herself, and she did blog that she is just jealous of others. She does think that she is the expert, that is for sure. It is too bad to see how many of them act so submisive to her! - What idiots! Because they fear her wrath, or what she will say if they have not been trying for 35 cycles, or that she may no longer offer her expert advise. You make a good point - you have to be on her club or you are not worthy of that BFP!! Another good point that you make is that she or no one is the judge of who decides when they will get their BFP. She also put something about this on her bitter blog. No point in being jealous of anyone, not strangers, friends, or relatives.

Jenn said...

I swear, I hate the number 35 now because of her. I understand that is not the cycle she's on now but, I am so sick of gettin that number thrown in my face. As if it somehow is supposed to make me feel bad for her. Um, yeah, you got 2 kids from all those cycles. Count your blessings.

Anonymous said...

She only cares about herself, her looks, ugly tats too - trying to fit her 142 # ass into too small jeans. She is so self centered, she does not care about anybody else. She is getting just what she deserves. More bad news as that is all that she puts out. I was on that board a while back, and left because of her sorry ass! I refused to allow her to reply about her # of cycles. Who cares! Here is another 35 cycles for her!

Hope that you get your BFP soon! Good thing she is not the one handing them out!! - LOL