Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Doctors Have Magic Powers

They can freeze time. I bet you didn't know that. Well, I'm telling you, they can. I'm still stuck in this cycle and I will be til I can get a doctors appointment. It sucks cuz I can't even call the doctor til the 1st of February. I'm on CD54 already and still no sign of anything and the doctor is the only one who can get me out if it. Sure, it's nice not to have a visit from the monthly witch, but it makes me go crazy wondering, Am I pregnant? Of course 4 or 5 PG tests later, I know that I am not. I just hate being at a complete and total standstill. I also hate that my cycle had to go on hold cuz my doctor is off having her own baby. Stupid, I know, but how did I get so "lucky" to get a doctor who is not only pregnant, but on maternity leave just as I start fertility treatments?