Thursday, March 27, 2008

You Want Something To Whine About?

So I just read a post on my one message board about a woman who had her IVF cycle cancelled. Ok that totally sucks and there's no disputing that, but, I can't help but find it a little annoying that she is complaining about how many chances she hasn't gotten in this journey TTC#3. That's right TTC#3. Why don't you try never getting a chance? I'm TTC#1 here and I just this past cycle after 14 months, got my first real chance. I know that even if you have one or two or more kids it will still suck to not get to have that one more that you want, but, try not even having one in the first place. Try going over a year without even a shred of a chance and then tell me your life sucks. I know I haven't been through as much as she has (ex. surgeries and procedures), but, I haven't had the privilege of having any children yet either. Not to mention the age difference. I wonder if she has any idea how horrible it is to be 23 and not be able to conceive like every other 23 year old? I guess it just irks me that she always wants everyone to feel sorry for her and yet she has no idea how bad some other people (not necessarily me) have it. Oh yeah, and how lucky she is to have 2 children in the first place.