Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another Positive

So just for the hell of it I took another OPK cuz I was having a tightness and swollen feeling in my uterus and ovaries and this is what I got. Are you kidding me? What is going on with my body. I know that you can use OPKs as pregnancy tests but they aren't very reliable. Not to mention I'm only 5DPO so implantation is highly unlikely. But in my research I did find that a few sites said that implantation can occur at 3DPO which I had a very big temp dip at. I don't have crosshairs yet but if I put in fake temps for the next two days I get solid crosshairs on CD15. (Here's my chart ) I don't know what to think. I give up. I already had 3 positives! Why another one?


Anonymous said...

I don't have an answer to your question, but I did find this site which is pretty informative:

Scroll down about halfway-it mentions PCOS.

HTH and good luck.


Jenn said...

Thank you. That site helped a lot. I'm really hoping this is the cycle for us despite all this confusion now.