Thursday, February 28, 2008

Put The Bottle Down

Ya know what really bothers me? When pregnant women think that drinking alcohol is the biggest deal ever. If you can't go 9 months without a drink, maybe there's a problem you need to address. I also hate it when all they talk about is how they can't wait to get drunk after they have their baby. Ya know what I would be saying if I was pregnant? I can't wait to have this baby so I can meet him or her. Alcohol is going to be the farthest thing from my mind. After you have a baby, you have responsibilities and one of them is NOT getting drunk. I guess I'm just super sensitive cuz of the hard time I am having over here and it just frustrates me when women take that beautiful child they have inside of them for granted.


Anonymous said...

hehe i think i know who youre talkin about... and i couldnt agree with you more

Jenn said...

This was a blog fueled by the story of Nicole Kidman supposedly drinking at the Oscars and then I got to thinking about how some women seem to only care about gettin that drink. I don't know. I'm just so bitter about it all because I see so many pregnant women smoke and drink and it really is starting to piss me off. Sooo many women take their babies for granted and I think if they had to go through an ounce of what I have gone through, they were cherish it a little bit more.

kass said...

that was me who left that last comment.. i was talkin bout the ex... she is sooo anxious to have that first

p.s. i preyed for some baby love for you in church today

Jenn said...

Thank You. :)

Anonymous said...


You won't know how you will feel until you are pg and in this position yourself! Pg women have to give up lots of things, not just drinking. I am talking about things like caffeine, motrin, sushi, most cold medicines, most exercise, and towards the beginning of the 3rd trimester things like carbs and sweets and if you start developing GD and salt if you start retaining fluids. There are many pains and aches. While it is so worth it, it does not make it wrong to fantasize about the things that we miss and it is easy to aplify them. I am 27 weeks pg and for sure what I miss most is my glasses of wine and sushi. So, it is easy for me to tell you that I can't wait to get tipsy on wine after completing 40 weeks of pg without it. This does not make me a bad mother, and I will do it responsibly, meaning that the DH can look out for baby on that celebrating evening for just me. I have well earned it. I am 15 + years your senior and I am here to tell you - you won't know how you will feel until you are pg. and have to make do with what ever your pleasures are.

Jenn said...

My pleasure would be to have a child. After trying for as long as I have, things like what you've mentioned don't matter to me. If I had to give these things up for the rest of my life, I would not care. As of right now, there are plenty of things that I've already had to give up. I've given up caffeine, the only pain reliever I can take, Advil, alcohol, smoking, and excessive amounts of chocolate and other things I definitely love. But if giving up these things gets me that baby I want so badly, then I am just fine with it. I guess drinking just isn't as important to me as it seems to be to the rest of the world.