Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Celebrities! Use Your Powers For Good, Not Publicity

As I was searching around on the internet, I found out that Victoria Beckham apparently has PCOS (and she's not the only one). I find it utterly amazing that with all the buzz around her and her husband, this is not one of the topics ever discussed. Although, I think she's not the best person to be the spokesperson for it. She has 3 or 4 kids now? That doesn't help with the infertility aspect of it (even though there is a possibility she has done IVF or at least some fertility treatments, but god forbid should she admit she isn't superhuman). Why don't celebrities talk about these things? They will openly come out about having cancer, but they can't admit to having PCOS? What is there to be ashamed about? I'm not ashamed. I will admit, I feel horrible for not being able to give my husband a child and our parents a grandchild, but if someone asks why we don't have kids yet, I tell them. Infertility in general seems to be a topic that most people won't admit to. Why? Is it because it is not commonly known? Is it because it is not life threatening? Well, in my opinion, it is life threatening. It is threatening the little life that could be. Not to mention, PCOS isn't just infertility and shitty symptoms. It can lead to diabetes, heart disease, increased risk of miscarriage, increased risk of gestational diabetes, and uterine cancer. (Nothing life threatening about any of those [hello, sarcasm]).

I just hate how these celebrities have all this power and have so many people hanging on every word they say and yet, they don't talk about this? Give em cancer and they will cry to anyone who will listen and milk it for all the publicity it's worth. Maybe that's it. Lack of sympathy. Not too many fertiles out there have an understanding on why this hurts us. A lot of people look at it as, well, the world is overpopulated enough, big deal. Or big deal, at least you're not dying. No sympathy for you. 

Ok, if that is the case, then why is there so much awareness about erectile dysfunction? It is a form of infertility in guys. If they can't get it up, that can't have sex, which means, no baby for you (by traditional means). There are a lot of Christians out there and Christians are brought up to believe that sex is simply for making babies, nothing else. You aren't gonna tell me that most of the men suffering from this are going on pills for procreation alone. But then here you have women with PCOS who are trying to have babies and procreate, and yet, no help or publicity for us. Why? Is it because it's more complicated than ED? Is it because it doesn't have the possibility of death the way cancer does? 

I just wish some celebrities would start doing something about this. Like, instead of Maury doing a show on Paternity tests, maybe he could do one on infertility. As long as he doesn't do as piss poor a job as Tyra did on her show on infertility that made it all look like people are getting too worked up and that is why they didn't get pregnant, I'd be happy. Did anyone see that episode? She had the chick from The Bachelorette on there and the way I took her story, was they were just not timing it right. That does NOT equal infertility.

But why doesn't Oprah do a show on it? The whole world listens when she talks and she of all people should have a show on it because maybe she could put a diet book on there for women with PCOS.

And Angelina Jolie. Instead of helping third world countries, maybe she could raise awareness about infertility. Even if she doesn't have it, I don't care. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You know anyone would listen to whatever you have to say.

Maybe I'll just do something about it. Maybe I'll raise awareness. Maybe I'll start doing talk shows. But I'm just one person, who isn't famous. Who would listen to me?


Unknown said...

I think you should go public. Write, email, call, on a mass scale... anyone, everyone. Ask everyone who is or isn't anyone for connections. do one concise, non bitchy, heart felt email. Send it multiple times to every talk show on the planet. Oprah, Dr. Phil, The Doctors, Tyra, Bonnie Hunt, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Ellen, The Early Show, The View, etc. Email everyone you know, ask them to forward everyone they know... & on & on. Basically say what you just said. The more people you reach the better the chance at least one person can help, or knows someone who knows someone who can help. I back you up 100%. I would support & help you in anyway I can.