Friday, June 13, 2008

We're Gonna Keep Trying!

John and I decided last night to keep TTC. I realized that I really want a baby (duh) and with me ovulating again, I just can't give up. So as soon as AF comes, I am gonna e-mail my doctor and tell her to give me another round of Clomid. I'm really excited about it and actually hope that this time I am truly pregnant. I want to see two lines in about a week. Two lines that actually stay longer than a day. So here's to waiting in the two week wait again!


Anonymous said...

congrats you guys...good luck and can't wait to see those two lines!

Anonymous said...

WOuldnt that be totally awesome if you got two lines on your anny? just saying.. haha... good luck tho


Anonymous said...

Good luck you two! I'm always waiting for that phone call .. I'm sure we all are. Can't wait to get the news of two lines :)