Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Got My Doppler Today

AND WE HEARD THE HEARTBEAT!!!!!!! I found it instantly and it was awesome!!!! It was such a relief since nothing really has been going on with pregnancy symptoms. Oh, except I itch everywhere!! Back, tummy, boobs, EVERYTHING. Lotion isn't even really helping. But anyway, I'm officially in the second trimester, we have a strong heartbeat (160bpm) and I'm feeling good. I just can't wait to feel the baby move!!! We could hear it on the doppler and it was super cool but still can't feel it yet. I think. I might have felt the baby do a flip but I'm not totally sure. Only time will tell...


Jess said...

quickening feels like flutters. Or as some people say, like gas bubbles just lower and more frequent.
Thats the one part I miss is feeling that baby. As time goes on its pretty cool to be able to tell where the back is, the feet and to actually see the baby move around and which body parts are pokin out!