Friday, May 23, 2008

I Am Just So Confused

This is what my chart looks like as of today. I don't even know what to think anymore. As you can see I had a major temp spike when I got my positive pg test and then I got a negative and it took a hell of a dive. My coverline was at 97.15 and then they changed it to 97.03. I am 95% positive I had a chemical pregnancy due to the positive test, the temp spike, the negative test and the temp dive. I don't know what my temps are supposed to do after that happens cuz I wasn't temping the last time this happened but I only have two temps below my coverline and I know that they say individual temps really don't matter, it's the whole picture. Oh well, I think I may test tomorrow if AF doesn't start.


Misty Dawn said...

Hey Jen,

I'm so sorry for your loss. That really stinks and I'm very familiar with loss (as I have experienced 5 m/c's). With that being said FRER's are really reliable, so I am throwing out the idea of an evap line. Have you called your DR? I was supposed to have my 1st IUI this C. My RE put me on Clomid and Repronex, but they both didn't help my O. On CD17 my RE canceled my C due to poor follie development. Point is that you are still O'ing late on Clomid, maybe there is another med your DR could put you on or up your dosage? I know I'm probably reaching. You know where to find me if you have any questions. :)

I actually stumbled upon you blog today when I was looking at an old post on WebMD.

Hope you are doing as well as can be expected. ((HUGS))

Jenn said...

It couldn't have been an evap line because it showed up almost instantly. I just think that the egg wasn't viable cuz I O'd so late on a Clomid cycle. If we were still trying, we were going to be going up to 150mg of Clomid and if that didn't work, we were going up to 200mg which I've never even heard of. She said if I am still not responding to that dosage, I could do this one med but she didn't say what it was, only that it was new. If THAT didn't work we would move to trigger shots. All that doesn't matter now though cuz my hubby is getting deployed in the fall and we both don't want him to miss anything. I haven't called the doctor yet about any of this. I think I'm just delaying going on BC. Ugh. Hope you are doing well too.

Jess said...

Im gonna post a remark here that also pertains to your newest post too. You might want to get to the dr jenn because with both tests positive with a faint line and your temps the way they are, you might actually have an eptopic pregnancy. Sometimes there are warning signs and sometimes there are non up until you rupture. I wouldn't procrastinate any on this.

Jenn said...

Well my temps dropped and then I drank on Saturday so it spiked but it's still kind of up. I think I will go to get a blood test just so I know but my nipples are sore (TMI sorry) but that is usually my best sign that AF is on her way. Plus having Jenna live here, I think her hormones are affecting me cuz she's due for AF Saturday and I think that she might help regulate my body. I'll post my chart as of today so you can see.