Sunday, May 17, 2009

And Yet, Once Again...

I'm not pregnant. By some crazy twisted chance, I ovulated while John was home on leave. Of course the awesomness of that story ends there. Just at that. I ovulated when John was home. Here I am 2 weeks later and guess who is not pregnant. Why does our awesome story have to end there? If it were anyone else they'd be saying, 'oh yeah, by some crazy chance I ovulated in the small 2 week period that my husband was home and now we're pregnant!' How come all these people get the awesome "I beat the odds" stories. Like the people who go to the doctor cuz they can't get pregnant and then they take the test at the doctor's and they end up being pregnant.

Where's OUR awesome pregnancy story? 


Anonymous said...

jenn, i'm so so sorry. i wish there was some way to answer that question. it seems like there's always yet another painful experience we have to go through. even with everything bobby and i have been through, it doesn't take away that extreme desire to have a baby in our arms. it's as if we're living in dorthy's black and white world, waiting for the tornado to set us down so we can open the door and see all the bright colors waiting for us. we just have to squish that evil witch first. i have to keep telling myself that it will happen...hope is such a hard thing to hold onto though, i know. if you ever wanna e-mail is in my profile.